My baby girl is two years old today! She has been a surprise from the beginning and she continues to be a surprise! We had her party last weekend because Daddy, Ouma & Oupa were going to be away for her birthday
It's the last week with my partner away. Having the children to myself has been a joy and a West Coast Swing with music nearly too fast to keep up with. The babysitter came Friday and had to leave after an hour for a personal emergency.
I had already started in trying to make my eggs on silk look more like what I want them too. My children were going to watch me paint while they had lunch. I took all the paint off when the sitter went.
I've had some amazing finds such as Abbey Ryan and Daily Paintworks. They inspired me again to pursue my inkling that there is artistic talent hiding in these untrained tools of mine. Deltra and Christie's encouragement was also fuel for the creative fires that are dwindling with my energy reserves.
I took the children to the beach this beautiful afternoon, (mostly to escape the messy house!), and I was filled with such inspiration. (I tried to download a pic of our lagoon but ... the camera kept it for it's self!) I found two beautiful bugs and some amazing shells. I pocketed the items and I'm hoping to get an idea's box together. Fruit n Veg is just to fragile for me to try and paint at the moment. Nuts...I could use nuts and Now I haven't seen that yet! hahaha. Health food...muesli...hmmm. Take the ideas...I don't mind. I've got lots and lots! ...hmmm payments accepted for ideas??? Just kidding...I'll go to e-bay. No. Sorry I'm in a silly place.
Going to paint tomorrow. Have decided I really need to get some small boards primed and also some smaller brushes!
Happy Painting... I will be tormorrow. There's always tomorrow....lalalala