Saturday, May 16, 2009

Small Fry

This is a painting exercise for my art class. I wanted to do it because I've always wanted to paint fish but I always get so nervous about it. It's a painting of a painting...Those bother me. I don't learn as much as I feel I could if I had the real thing sitting in front of me challenging me to decide the colors. What I did try to manage in making it my own was to re-frame it and focus on my version of it's focus.

I've got a great picture I took down at the river this summer...have a fabulous idea for this...I'm hoping to work it out soon.

PS...just realized I haven't signed it! I'll sign it and repost this.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Basking in the Glow

Here as promised here's my 6X8" baby... I wiped the bowl of pears in the exact center of the picture!

I am pleased with this first attempt and particularly the reflections. I'm also very pleased...well actually that I finished it!!

The photo is the best I could get from my light/time.

Any comments?

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Journey of a thousand steps...

Well...I'm in a very reflective mood again but what I want to impart is something MORE. My goal is always MORE...there is always more there is great ABUNDANCE to be had - always. I find lots of people are more comfortable in a box or with limits...I'm not. Direction is good...limit is ...limiting. Boundaries are also good...limits are different but similar. It's a long let's go to the point!

FIRST...THANK YOU so much Susan(her blog Painting Daily is a huge inspiration to me)...I am so very honored and humbled by your Lemonade Award. Funny I was considering painting Lemons last week! As with you this may take me a few days to respond to properly and I would very much like to do my best to attain that goal! Thank you so much again.

SECOND...This is officially the last month I am going to pursue painting in my art class. It's the second painting I've come home so frustrated about that I just wiped the whole mess. I felt so...disappointed with my ability to verbalize my idea and cowing to the beliefs of my teacher who's favorite sentence when asked WHY for the umpteeth time is "Because that's what I told you." Now...I must make the point that I have said this ONCE in my parenting journey and I loathed the experience so having my teacher do this to me is very unnerving. I changed the entire direction of my painting based on those words of hers and I hated it. I told my self it's fine because the goal is to paint small and to paint something more loose and "quick" like a daily painter. The goal was to finish it in my 2 hour class. must be kidding. BUT...I will continue for the rest of this month to make a point to myself. I can disagree and still be agreeable because the other person is responsible for their response??? How does that sound? I must be authentic to me...that's the long and the short. I must paint for me.

THIRD...The posted picture is my elder two boys being absolutely silly (in case you missed that!) the night before their Daddy was to return home. He's leaving again after two days home. We are hoping to have him for the coming weekend. So...when Susan says I'm a busy Mom...well...sorta.... I'm a looney Mom. I'm trying to paint/draw daily (I'm managing once a week at present...but at least that's something!), mange being a unwife/unmother/unhomemaker and knit. I'm homeschooling...this is SO great check out SelfDesign Global .We do a sort of enthusiasm led learning. I'd list all the other things I squish into my time but...those are my focus points (I think..;).

So those are the big points. Thanks, Be Authentic to self, and Be Silly!

I'll post a picture (good, bad or ....let me see....let me be realistic...uh...WHY?) ok... Tuesday evening: 12 May 2009

How are you doing with your life goals??