Thursday, January 26, 2012

Popping Ideas!

I woke this morning to some interesting ideas for the following months 12x12 in 12 challenge ideas.  I fetched my son from school and again more ideas!

Aurion in the waves with Kael
My son and I sat having a special tea and fleshing out the idea that came from his school.  It was such a special experience to be sharing this story with him and with a little bit of imagination maybe we can illustrate it together!  I also managed to get two leads on a babysitter so that I might have some serious time for illustration.  I need to get the miles in to hone the craft.

Unfortunately - our special tea seems to have left me with food poisoning.  Bummer.  To end on a great note - my Super Amazing Special Husband has taken over and I'll be all better lickity split!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Funny thing about art imitating life or life imitating art...(it can't actually be backwards when they are the same thing - to me anyway), as I was saying - funny thing is; in both you must get your head around perspective.

Three point perspective from above and below.
The top was my "free hand" three point - I failed to actually include the third point (I see now that it's posted! Ha!)  The second is my attempt to get the coffee shop's a bit crazy to use a medium purple ball point pen on a little sketch about 1x2inches!  So the detail is dread but the exercise was fabulous.
In my case - after all these (untold) years - I still struggle with perspective in life and art.  I'm also still trying to get my head around using Apple software after growing up on Microsoft...

So this was my - Session 10 from Marks and Splashes with Mark G. Mitchell  I am doing my best to learn how to put on hyperlinks for your ease of surfing.  The following session is about four point perspective.  I can't wait - always wanted to understand those curvy pictures.

Thanks for the visit -

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Well it might seem I've taken a left hand turn in my adventures of honing my fine art skills and illustration - HOWEVER....I've not.  I've actually allowed a long held nearly secret dream of writing that's bursting forth!  AND I did say this blog was about ARTISTIC EXPLORATIONS - so...there you go.  I think I should call it explodations but the computer thinks it's a typo and someone might get confused thinking it's some inappropriate social faux-pas.

I've joined a challenge with Julie Hedlund (I'm really fighting to work out how to use the MacBook Pro to add my links!  Please excuse me!!)   It's about writing 12 picture book drafts in 12 months for 2012.  I love this idea - I always like to see authors illustrate and illustrators write.  It's very "wholistic" -  I know...I just like to write it that way!  (Whole vs hole - it's always struck me as odd.)

Anyway - I've completed my rough draft for January's Picture Book (PB) story idea and now - I will squeeze time into an amazingly wild January to try and complete the illustrations as we are now on WEEK 10 of the Marks and Splashes illustration course!  The wild and wacky Space Commander lessons.

Oh...I have a working title for my first draft - Hurry Hurry Mommy Dear!

Also - from this day forward my goal is to post weekly by Thursday of each week.  It could be doable...not impossible.

Thank you sooo very much for stopping by and leaving a note!